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The Dilemma and Our Purpose

Our 2-Party system of government has served us well – until it hasn’t. The two major parties are now so split and the debate so counter-productive, that no solutions can be enacted. There is no check and balance on rampant spending – the buying of votes to stay in power. There is no agreement on what is the best way to move forward. Budget induced shutdowns every few months are the norm.

Simply: Our government is dysfunctional.

The problem is the two parties themselves – and their failure is not simply the choice they have put before us for President. They serve special interests – those that pay a lot for influence, and they also serve their own party interests, but all of this is at the cost of the Peoples’ interests.

This is called the “Swamp.”

This status quo remains because they don’t have to compete. To maintain their grip on power, they gerrymander – or draw Congressional districts in such a way to ensure victory in uncompetitive races. They put up barriers to third parties or independent candidates in many states – further locking their grip on power. They rely on money – lots of it – to stay entrenched in power for as long as they desire.

Our Purpose is to break the grip of the two parties on American Politics – so our government is responsive to the People. We seek to elect people who will carry out policies that bring about change we can ALL believe in: To Make Our Government Work Again.

Scott A. Rappoport

Draining "The Swamp"

Ronald Reagan first coined this phrase (YES! Ronald Reagan, not Donald Trump) back in the 1980s, but we are still left with a swamp that is stinkier, bigger, and boggier than what it was back then with a budget deficit of $1.7 Trillion compared to the $175 billion under Reagan — a 10 fold increase.

Three Sources That Keep The Swamp Full:

  • Money. Lots of it. The Federal budget is over $6 Trillion, and candidates in 2020 spent close over $14 trillion across the board with the Biden and Trump spending $2.74 billion.
  • The elected officials who keep drawing the money in and keep the Swamp from being drained. They stay in office for a very long time since there are no term limits in Congress.
  • The enabler is that State Houses adopt policies and draw lines that maintain the incumbency that results in intransigence.

MOGWA seeks to attack each of these issues.

Ushering in an Age of Accountability:

Our system of government is an ingenious system of checks and balances which guard us from abuse of power and excess by one group. It allows for members of the government to be held accountable.

However, when both parties controlling the levers of government fail in
their responsibilities to the People, it is necessary for the People themselves to hold the parties responsible.

We seek to disrupt the two parties’ control of government and Usher in
an Age of Accountability in Government. We do this by voting them out and replacing them with people who are committed to the vision and ideas outlined below.

What would you give to make these changes

a reality?


Rebuild Trust & Compromise

Republicans and Democrats are polarized to the special interests and the extreme wings of the party. We want to combine forces of their centrist, compromising elements of their parties to
advance meaningful legislation.

Return Civility In Discourse

This polarization between parties has resulted in mean-spirited talk and shrill accusations. How can there be bipartisan support to solve problems when there is such bad-blood between sides? We seek to unite sides by returning to civility in discourse based on mutual respect and dignity.

Remove Entrenched Incumbents

We believe nothing - NOTHING! - will refocus and rededicate the energies of the two dominant
parties than for them to lose power. We seek to take seats from the 2 parties until they direct their focus back on the People.

Make Big Money a Liability

If we elect our officials based on merit of ideas and NOT money, we do what years of finance regulation never did: we make excess cash a liability to a candidate! We seek to be elected based on the quality of our candidates and the merit of our ideas. Big Money stands no chance next to this!

Core Initiatives

The changes CIV and MOGWA seek to bring about are both changes in culture and how we view each other along with several Constitutional amendments.

The major thrust of our movement is to elect many new representatives with integrity and commitment to change, both at the State Level and the Federal Level. The action we seek requires a “reboot” of the government with new members to pass Constitutional Amendments.These require two-thirds majorities in Congress, and three-fourths of the states to pass them. Alternatively, 34 states can propose them to convene a Constitutional Convention for passage. This may take some time – over several election cycles, but we must start now.

Current members will not pass these measures (except for maybe the first and fourth one) since they directly affect their entrenched privileged – and seemingly permanent – status. Hence the need for sweeping change with new people.

Amendment 1: Codify Number of Supreme Court Justices to Nine

Amendments 2 & 3: Term Limits for Federal Reps & Senators

State House Elections/End to Gerrymandering

Reform The Primary Process

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